What does a Chiropractor do?

Chiropractors locate and correct areas of spinal dysfunction that can cause nervous system interference, back pain, neck pain and many other common symptoms. Chiropractors help you by gently adjusting the spine, returning it to its normal flexibility and alignment which restores body function. Chiropractic is the only health care profession dedicated to the detection, reduction and prevention of spinal subluxations. Chiropractors are the only health professional who specialise in Spinal adjustments.

What is a Chiropractic adjustment?

A chiropractor uses a carefully directed and controlled pressure in a precise direction to a joint that is not moving properly. This allows the spine to return to a normally balanced and flexible state. This has the effect of allowing the nervous system to work without interference. This pressure can be applied using a wide range of techniques.


How is a Chiropractic adjustment given?

Chiropractic adjustments can be given in many different ways. It may be a quick movement or slow constant pressure, sometimes only one area may be adjusted, other times the entire spine will receive attention. Repeated Chiropractic adjustments on separate visits over periods of time may be required to retrain the spine.

At Wenban Chiropractic we believe in a personalised approach, with techniques and timing of your adjustments specifically tailored to you.

Does it hurt to have spine adjusted?

Chiropractic adjustments are generally a comfortable experience for people of all ages. From infants to pregnant women, the elderly and everyone in between. For hundreds of thousands of Australians, visiting a Chiropractor is routine, just like regular dental check-ups.

Some specific conditions may require release techniques that can create some local tenderness. This is more likely if your spine is showing signs of long-term neglect.

All Chiropractic Adjustments will be discussed with you in advance.


Will I need Xrays?

Only if necessary.

This depends on what your chiropractor finds about the condition of your spine on the first visit. Radiographic examinations can be an important diagnostic tool and gathering all the facts makes achieving quality results easier. In some cases working without X-rays is like asking a car mechanic to work on your car without lifting the bonnet!

Each case is assessed on it's individual merits.

If you do require spinal x-rays we generally refer to Wave Radiology in Ballina. Spinal x-rays referred by Chiropractors are generally bulk billed.

Pregnant women, babies and children do not require x-rays.

How long will it take before my spine is working properly?


This varies greatly and depends upon many factors such as age, health history, exercise and nutrition.

At first, pain relief may be your only goal in visiting a Chiropractor. Pain gets in the way of enjoying life and we love to help people feel better.

We would like to point out, however, that relief may not mean that your spine is working at its best, is strong or that your original symptoms will not return. Continuing on with Chiropractic care beyond pain relief is generally recommended at our practice.

Peak spinal function can take weeks or months to achieve if you have not taken care of your spine in the past.

In the long-term we believe that ongoing Chiropractic care leads to great health benefits, especially when combined with other healthy life habits.

How much will it cost?

This varies from individual to individual.

Cost will depend upon factors such as the length of time the problem has been present, level of spinal deterioration, ability to carry out home care instructions (exercises, stretches, etc), the motivation to get well, diligence in following recommended care schedule.

Please note; almost all health fund extras cover chiropractic care up to a limit. This limit varies from one health fund to another and is usually renewed each year in the new calendar year.

We have the HICAPS instant claiming system at Wenban chiropractic to make for a seamless claiming process.

Can I still have treatment if I'm pregnant?


Chiropractic care is effective and safe throughout pregnancy.

In fact, we believe that regular Chiropractic care is an essential part of your health care up to and after birth.

When we consider the dramatic changes the female body makes from conception to birth in 40 weeks it is no wonder that there might be a glitch or two along the way.Chiropractic can help keep you in tip top shape.

Once birth has taken place(which often creates some Nervous system stress!!) all those changes need to be re-aligned. It's no wonder that there may be some glitches in this reconstruction phase as well. Especially given that mum now has even less time to look after herself. We often get to begin this process of rebuilding only once children get to school. Beginning this process as early as possible after the birth will rebuild a healthier spine for your future.

Additionally, many parents see the benefits of having their newborns checked for signs of spinal stress.

Do I need a referral from a GP/Specialist?

No you do not. Chiropractors are primary healthcare practitioners and so GP referral is not  necessary. You can simply just pick up the phone and book in to see us......

For patients whose care is funded through Department of Veteran's Affairs(DVA) a referral from your GP is required. These referrals are current for one year from the date of issue. If you need help in this process please contact us.

I have Arthritis/Disc problems/Spinal Surgery. Can I still be helped?


While there are many different types of arthritis, the two most common forms are Osteoarthritis (OA) and Rheumatoid Arthritis (RA). Patients suffering with either OA or RA can benefit from Chiropractic. There are less common forms of arthritis that involve joint infection or neoplastic change. Because Chiropractic adjustments normalise joint movement they also relieve stresses within the joints. Recent research has shown that patients suffering from OA or RA who receive adjustments have significantly less pain and discomfort and increased function.

 Disc degeneration

Degeneration of the discs often results from untreated joint dysfunction.Often the pain that a patient feels is blamed on the disc degeneration but is actually caused by the joint dysfunction that caused the disc to degenerate in the first place. Correction of the joint function through adjustment often gives great relief. Many Orthopaedic surgeons recommend Chiropractic care to help limit disc problems becoming surgical cases.

 Disc prolapse, tear or bulge

There are may events that can damage the disc structure. Usually there has been some build up of problems prior to the disc breaking down. This build up may be pain free.

Unless the disc has burst and its contents are pressing on the spinal cord or nerve roots, clinical experience and research has shown that patients with disc damage do better with specific adjustments than with bed rest or surgery.

 A history of spinal surgery?

We have many people who benefit from our Chiropractic care who have had spinal surgery.

Spinal surgery is normally a last resort measure to relieve nerve or spinal cord pressure. While it is often successful in its primary aim, it does nothing to correct the problem that created the damage that required the surgery in the first place. Chiropractic can be very effective in these cases.